Monday, March 2, 2009

Isaiah 42:8

Good day everyone!

How is your daily memory verse going? Were you able to memorize yesterday's verse?

At the end of this week I will summarize all the verses I shared with you for the whole week. We will check together which among the verses were we able to memorize. You can share you insights too if the verse I shared reminds you something or special to you.

Today's memory verse is still in the book of ISAIAH. In this verse, God declares that He will not give His glory to anyone, much more to the graven images. Can you guess our memory verse for today?

If your guess is ISAIAH 42:8, you are right! Probably you also love memorizing verses :)

For those who is new to the verse, here is the quoted verse in KJV "I am the Lord: that is my name: and my glory will I not give to another, neither my praise to graven images."

Well the verse simply tells us that God does not want us to praise or worship graven images nor give the glory due to Him to any other except to HIM alone. But as Christians, we sometimes forget this commandment. Sometimes we are simply not careful and we do not realize that we are alady giving the glory and praise to the instrument used by God rather than to HIM. Good common example is during worship services. When we are blessed or encouraged by the Word of God through the preaching of our Pastor, we can usually hear some members statement like this "He is a really good preacher." or "He is eloquent." We tend to give the recognition to the preacher rather than to the power of the Holy Spirit to speak to us. Even little praise we give to anyone before God is a sin. We have the tendency to worship the creation rather than the creator. And the worst part sometimes, we rob God the glory due to HIM. What is our usual response when someone recognize our talents? Our achievements? Our looks? Were we able to give back the glory to our one true God?

Let us pause for a while, let's try to remember instances that we forgot to give ALL the glory to our Lord and and let us pray for God's forgiveness. Let us request God to help us not to give to anyone the glory due to HIM or worst get the glory for HIM.

God Bless and see tomorrow!


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