Sunday, June 21, 2009

Your Heart Is Where Your Treasure Is

Matthew 6:21 says "For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also." This simply means that if we invest our money on material things here on earth, our heart is in this earth also but if we have invested our money on spiritual things, which is of the heaven, our heart is in heaven. How do we feel seeing Jesus again? Excited? Hesitant? Why? Is it because we have so many things here on earth that we don't want to leave? Big house? latest car model? Hi-tech and updated appliances? conveniences? fun activities with friends?

Remember that we came to this world naked, and we will leave this world naked. We will soon leave all the things that we have here on earth. If you accepted Christ as your personal Lord and Saviour, you will be with Him. If you have no personal relation with Him yet, it is not too late yet. You can accept His wonderful and eternal gift which is the everlasting life. But just the same, we cannot carry anything with us when we finally reach our final destination. You will not enjoy the things you have now if these things will be left someday. So you might as well use your money for the work of Lord and I am sure that you will have more gains for eternity.

Have a blessed week!


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